VIDEO 【JT公式】B1A4,RT _B1A4OFFICIAL:B1A4“夏天见,更热爱BANA”│B1A4对歌迷的心意💌感谢您回来B1A4 [这是KPOP LIVE 2020/10/23 17:56
VIDEO 【JT公式】B1A4,RT _B1A4OFFICIAL:[MPD Direct Cam] B1A4 Direct Cam 4K'橙色天空的味道如何?(B1A4 2020/10/23 17:12
View Gallery(+2) [JT Official] B1A4, 4th album release commemorative issue 2 consecutive special feature [Part 1!] #Korean Pia Behind 📸❤️🐻🦆🐶 #B1A4 #BANA #Like a movie #Origine #CNU #SANDEUL #GONGCHAN 2020/10/23 15:04
VIDEO [JT Official] B1A4,我们度过的时光B1A4'快乐餐厅'EP.01 YouTube: V Live: #B1A4 #Shinuu #Sandu 2020/10/23 12:13
View Gallery(+3) [JT Official] B1A4, RT Kstyle_news: [PHOTO] B1A4 "Escape at 2 o'clock Cultwo Show" and go home after finishing the record ... Finger heart & waving greetings #B1A4 #2 o'clock escape CultwoShow .. 2020/10/23 11:12
VIDEO 【JT公式】B1A4,RT _B1A4OFFICIAL:[MPD Direct Cam] B1A4 Direct Cam 4K'橘黄色的天空是什么样的'(B1A 2020/10/22 23:52
VIDEO 【公式mn2】[MPD Direct Cam] B1A4_ _ Direct Cam 4K'橙色天空的味道如何?'(B1A4_ _ FanCam)| MCOUN 2020/10/22 21:44