拡大する NewJeans will perform at "36th Mynavi Tokyo Girls Collection 2023 S/S". It will be held on March 4th at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium in Tokyo. . . 2023/02/08 17:25
VIDEO 【公式tvn】〈NewJeans_ - OMG♪〉漂亮的钥匙是谁生的?关键妈妈妈妈~ #Amazing Saturday |惊奇星期六 EP.249 | tvN 2023/02/05 20:29
VIDEO [公式 sb1] [SUPER ULTRA 8K] NewJeans_ 'OMG' 풀캠 (NewJeans_ _ FullCam) SBS Inkigayo 2023/02/05 09:27
VIDEO 【公式sb1】[Single shot cam 4K] NewJeans_'OMG'单拍的单独记录│NewJeans_ _ ONE TAKE STAGE SBS 2023/02/02 18:13
VIDEO 【公式sb1】[Encore Cam 4K] NewJeans_ 'Ditto' INKIGAYO_ 1st Place Encore Fancam (NewJ 2023/01/29 18:57
VIDEO 【公式sb1】[Home room 1 row full cam 4K] NewJeans_ 'OMG' (NewJeans_ _ FullCam)│@SBS 2023/01/29 17:53